Well my friend Marie, came over and helped me wall paper the Tiki bathroom. I had never wallpapered, so I sought the advice of my Crafty Aunty Jane. She gave me some great pointers. Such as plan out where you end to be in a discreet location incase your pattern doesn't line up exactly. I planed mine to be in the door corner. The job went fairly well. I purchased the wallpaper rolls from Hula Beach in San Clemente. I had one small snafu with the paper one of the rolls when I rolled it out, the ink had stuck to the back of the paper so the print had lifted. I called Hula Beach and was able to switch out the roll for another and was able to finish the job.
I also accidently touched my arm to one of the vanity light bulbs and burnt the heck out of my arm. I couldn't believe the bulb was that hot. The burn blister is still healing.